ALS Activism

Mindy Uhrlaub is a carrier of the fatal C9orf72 gene and is an activist for genetic carriers of ALS. She is a member of the Familial ALS Team and the Peer Mentor Team at I AM ALS. She is a founding member of Genetic ALS/FTD: End the Legacy, and participates in more than a dozen longitudinal studies of ALS. She is also the author of the forthcoming book, A War of Nerves: An ALS Memoir. Uhrlaub has testified before the National Institutes for Health and the Food and Drug Administration, demanding early access to life-saving drugs for presymptomatic carriers of genetic ALS. She is being screened for the first ever study to see how a presymptomatic carrier of C9orf72 ALS responds to a drug in a trial.  

A War of Nerves: An ALS Memoir

My forthcoming book will follow my personal journey with ALS.


ALS has prompted me to write several articles for those living with a loved one with ALS.


My relationship with my mom when she was dying of ALS


Knowing your audience when you talk about ALS


How I Talked to My Teens About My Genetic Status

Elephant Journal

I am 52—I Don’t Have time to Sit idly by & Await Paralysis.

Medical Research

Carrying the C9orf72 gene has prompted me to write several articles about relationships against the backdrop of ALS


Everything ALS Speech Study
ALLFTD Linkd Study
ALLFTD Brains, Decisions Study
Bluefield Neurofilament Study 
Genes, Brains, Decisions at UCSF

UCSF Wearables Study
MGH/Harvard DIALS Study
MGH Gut Microbiome Study
Columbia University ALS Families Study
NIH/NINDS Neurodegenerative Disorders: ALS/FTD


FDA Testimony

See the Public Version of End the Legacy's January 2023 Presentation to the FDA. Mindy's portion is from 28:55 to 34:18